Thank you so much for being here.
I invite you to step into the realm of healing and self-discovery with me,
as we embark on a journey that will ignite your spirit and elevate your being.
I am here, ready to guide you, to empower you, and to awaken the innate healer within you.
It is truly my honor and divine purpose to guide you in this powerful journey to Akasha Healing.
With a deep-rooted passion for holistic wellness and a profound connection to the spiritual realms, Kathryn has been blessed with the ability to harness the power to guide you through your transformation into your sovereignty. It is Kathryn’s purpose to assist you in unlocking your body's natural ability to heal, allowing you to thrive mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
With a deep connection to the spiritual realms and years of dedicated training, Kathryn possesses a wealth of knowledge and skills. Guided by her empathic abilities, she taps into higher frequencies of healing and wisdom. This extraordinary combination of healing modalities has played a crucial role in Kathryn's personal growth and healing journey. Now, she is driven by a higher purpose to inspire and guide others through this transformative experience.
Through the last 15 years of self-healing and spiritual exploration, Kathryn has honed her skills and is a certified spiritual life coach, hypnotherapist, and master healer. Kathryn is accredited by the International Association of Therapists and affiliated with the International Center for Reiki Training as a Master/Teacher in Usui/Reiki, Holy Fire III Reiki, and Karuna Reiki. Additionally, Kathryn is a Sound Healer, Meditation Instructor, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Chinese Medicine Accunect Connect Practitioner, and registered with Yoga Alliance as an RYT 200 Yoga & Ayurveda practitioner.
But beyond the certifications and accolades, her true passion lies in empowering you to discover your authentic self and making a positive impact in the world. Kathryn is an advocate for dismantling stigmas surrounding mental health, domestic violence, and human disconnection, and believes that embodying self-love, self-reflection, and spiritual connection is the key to a conscious and loving human evolution. Kathryn soul purpose is to teach you how to heal yourself and create the life you desire.
If you are ready to embark on this transformative journey, if you are ready to step into your power and become your own healer, then this is your invitation to join. Together, we will create a ripple effect of healing and love that will extend far beyond ourselves, leaving a lasting impact on the world.
Internationally Accredited By The International Association of Therapists Spiritual Life Coach
Internationally Accredited By The International Association of Therapists Hypnotherapist
Internationally Accredited By The International Association of Therapists Intuitive Energy Healer
International Center for Reiki Training Affiliate Master/Teacher
Usui/Reiki Master/Teacher
Holy Fire III Reiki Master/Teacher
Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher
Sound Healer
Certified in Accunect Connect, Future Medicine Today
RYT 200 Yoga & Ayurveda registered with Yoga Alliance
Certified in The Silva Method, Silva Manifesting Program
Education, Training and Wisdom Lineages
(REIKI Level 1& Level 2) Usui Master/Teacher Reverend Ivy Chapman (2012)
Accunect Connect; with Dr Don Pilipovich (2012)
(RYT200 YOGA & AYURVEDA CERTIFIED) Sarasvati Burhman with Rocky Mountain Institute of Yoga & Ayurveda & (2012 - 2013)
Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance RYT200 Yoga and Ayurveda (2014 - Present)
Drunvalo Melchizedek with the School of Remembering; Author of The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life (2014)
The Silva Method; The Silva Manifesting Program with Silva International Headquarters (2014)
(USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI MASTER/TEACHER) Usui/Holy Fire/Karuna Master/Teacher Kelle Evans (2015)
Cameron Day with (2013 - 2018)
Mas Sajady with, (2014 - 2019)
(HOLY FIRE III REIKI MASTER/TEACHER) Senior Reiki Master/Teacher, Holy Fire® III, President of the ICRT, the Reiki Membership Association and founder of the Center for Reiki Research William Lee Rand (2019)
(KARUNA Level 1 & Level 2 REIKI) Usui/Karuna Master/Teacher Dawn Flemming (2021)
Reiki for Covid-19 Training with Dawn Flemming (2021)
(KARUNA Master/Teacher) Usui/Karuna Master/Teacher Dawn Flemming (2021)
(Certified Intuitive Energy Healer) Ascension Academy with Crystal Cook (2023)
(Certified Spiritual Life Coach) Ascension Academy with Crystal Cook (2023)
(Certified Hypnotherapist) Ascension Academy with Crystal Cook (2023)
Work & Experience
Anacortes, WA
The Dancing Camel Yoga Studio
Santa Barbara, CA
Boulder, CO
Chi of Light Healers
New Orleans, LA
Imagine Yoga Sanctuary
New Orleans Healing Center Reiki Share Facilitator with David Redborne
Pet au Pair - Reiki for your pets
Ventura, CA
Bell Arts Factory Reiki Share Facilitator
Kali Institute of Massage and Somatic Therapies
K.A.R.L. Canine & Adoption League Reiki practitioner
Ojai, CA
Ojai Wellness Day