With such high vibrational energy coming through it’s imperative we put self care first and surround ourselves with loving, kind people
The charged particles coming from the cosmos is affecting us through our water molecules, electrons, proteins, brain waves, heart rhythms, and more in our physical body.
Magnetic fields easily bypass cell membranes to reach DNA.
Our DNA is an antenna which connects to many electromagnetic frequencies which includes the vibrational frequency and amplitude of our planet Earth — the “Schumann Resonance”. - Stefan Burns, Biologist and Physicist
Water is in fact a very powerful magnet, and transfers information and energy through it. The mitochondria of our DNA is the information-recording aspect in each cell, and our records are those of both our own as well as ancestral experiences — known and unknown to us consciously.
It responds to daily thoughts, words, emotions, and actions as well as the charged energies coming into our realm that activates the “Schumann Resonance”.
We experience a “cellular voltage”.
This is why it is imperative to be drinking plenty of water to assist in the transferring of this energy to our physical bodies. It is the water within our bodies that is allowing us to receive the “codes” coming in from the surges of cosmic energetics.
This month has already started out with a very high increase in energy
⚪️ The white in the graph is showing the 5D light codes entering.
🔴 The red in the graph is showing energy blocks clearing.
🟢 The green is showing new connectivity through the energy transmissions
We are stepping into a space of forgiveness of self and others
We are stepping into a realm of high vibrational energy that is breaking up all of the density within us and around us
The density within us is why we experience ascension symptoms
Loving self and others as we feel into our density is how we heal, forgive, understand and release what is no longer serving our purpose on this planet
You may be experiencing these ascension symptoms:
🤍Extreme tiredness
🤍Cloudy mind
🤍Appetite changes
🤍Ringing in the ears
🤍Blurry vision
During these times of major uploads and energy transmissions you may help integrate with this energy and clear yourself through:
🤍 Receive energy healing
🤍 Drink plenty of water
🤍 Connect to source through prayer and meditation
🤍 Remove yourself from stressful people, situations, experiences
🤍 Connect in with nature
🤍 Rest as much as possible
🤍 Express gratitude
Always remember you are an energetic being here on earth to experience this life. The energy that is coming down from the cosmos is moving through you. You are perfect in every moment no matter what you are experiencing.
The discomfort you may be feeling is a necessary process for your ascension. The discomfort must come into this realm to clear you of the lower vibrational frequencies within your being. It’s breaking away any disharmony that is within our being to be able to ascend higher and higher.
✨You are energy within a physical vessel✨
✨You are shifting to a higher state of awareness and being✨
It is a process that takes time so please be kind to yourself as you release, shift, and transform.
It is my life purpose to assist you and your soul to remember exactly how special, beautiful and perfect you truly are.
It is my honor to be your guide, but always remember that you are the powerful one. We are co-creating the New Earth, and you are a piece of the puzzle. Who are you and what is your mission? I would love to meet you!
I’m offering 1:1 sessions and accepting new clients ✨🙏✨ space is very limited 🛸✨
Please message me so we may discuss the best date/time ✨🪐✨
May we heal deeply and completely
🤍 Kathryn