The love that you hold in your heart is the key to your ascension
The energy frequency you hold within your heart expands your energy outward changing the vibration of those around you
This is how we heal ourselves and the collective
The key is through our hearts
The heart is the main energy center in our body. It can bring people, places, things to us or repel them
The love within our hearts is the key to connecting to the higher frequencies and higher states of being and the higher realms
The more love you have for your life and loved ones, the more you will attract loving relationships and experiences
The heart is truly the gateway to the healing of the self and others
Bringing your energy down from your head to your heart is imperative
This allows your energy and thoughts to be focused on the collective rather than the self
It brings us together, allows compassion to shine through and connects the energy fields of all beings through the heart expanding the collective frequency
This is how we raise our vibration and the vibration of those around us
We are at the time of great change and a transformation that is so significant it’s hard to even explain
But we can feel this change happening, shifting, expanding our vibrations and energy outward.
Can you feel your expansion? Can you bring your energy and focus from your head to your heart?
Now breath down into your belly
Focusing on your head and the energy there
Now bring your energy, attention and focus down to your heart
Feel a deep purple energy starting to radiate and grow from that space
The longer you focus on your breath and the energy in your heart space the more your energy will grow, expand and radiate outward
This is how you live from your heart
May we heal deeply and completely