I’m seeing so many souls confused about the twin flame “union”. I see this is causing much heartache in the lives of many, creating experiences that are heartbreaking and painful and honestly, traumatic.
A twin flame is your own soul. This soul was separated from yours and split into two - so - you may EXPERIENCE two separate experiences here on earth - at the SAME time.
Please re-read that. Again and again if needed.
Self love is not self sacrifice ✨🙏✨
The twin flame is you. It is a mirrored reflection of you so you may see deeply into your subconscious and behaviors. This relationship is about self love and the love of others. This relationship is a test to see how much you truly love yourself. And many times this is karma playing out. A duality of a high vibrational being with a very low vibrational being and how the energetic torture continues until the low vibrational being makes a choice to choose the high vibrational path. If they ever even do. This is nothing that you can force. Because the agreement was to be two separate beings experiencing two separate polarities.
Everyone needs to make their own choices from their own heart or in some cases their mind (ego). And many times they are here to live a low vibrational existence so we must let them be. Free will is our choice and theirs and we must honor it.
But get this, just because you are twin flames does by no means does it “mean” you are supposed to be together romantically in the experience of this life. It is not a sign nor is it supposed to be romanticized. Many times it’s best to LET THEM GO and explore their journey to the fullest to be able to bring back the information to source. Because positive and negative is needed for balance.
I know this may be hard to hear, but this romanticized twin flame union is another programming siphoning tool used to drain your energy and keep you in a lower vibrational state. Around low vibrational people. Attracting low vibrational experiences.
I’ve received so many messages from people asking why they are in this situation. And I will answer that question.
Because you allow it. You allow the lower vibrational person to run the show and manipulate your energy. They may even have entity attachments and are feeding off of your high vibrational energy. Or the low vibrational energy that you are being dragged down to. This is not always the case but I am talking about the negative relationship scenarios that seem to be rampant.
I recently watched a documentary about a twin flame school and it was heartbreaking to see how far some people will go to accumulate energy.
So, please, my loves, understand you do not have to lower yourself for love. You have all of the love inside of you and we don’t want that tainted or dimmed do we? We need to let go of our self sabotage and self hate. Because we would never treat someone we love so poorly now would we? No, we wouldn’t, and you deserve to be treated like someone loves and cares for you, deeply. Wholeheartedly and completely, you are worth it ✨
It’s time to release and make the decision to put your energy, time, commitment into yourself and your healing and the rising of your vibration to where you should naturally be.
Now, I’m not saying these low vibrational people are all bad, but I am saying that a high vibrational person and a low vibrational person will never fully be a harmonious match on earth because of the mass polarity that is felt between you. For it to even be comfortable you both have to meet in the middle energetically and so you would never be truly yourself or shine the way you are meant to. You would always be lowering your vibration to meet your “twin flame?” How does that even make sense?
I send you all love and light as you navigate this post and come to terms with the feelings that are arising. Please feel free to comment, connect, message me if you are needing clarity or guidance.
May we heal deeply and completely
🤍 Kathryn