A healthy sexual experience is one of the most beautiful ways of connecting with your partner. Sexual energy is of the most powerful of energies and is something we pass between each other, sharing our vibration in the most intimate of ways. The ability and act of giving and receiving love from the most innocent and purest parts of our being is truly what makes our vibrations raise to the highest levels possible in bliss, as long as our hearts and intentions are in a pure place.
A healthy sexual relationship is one where we are giving freely of our own energy while opening up our channels to receive energy in the exchange. The exchange heals both partners when both partners are open, loving and receptive. Both male and female energies need the other to bring balance and harmony to their being.
Man needs the soft receptive energies a woman provides to achieve perfect balance. Similarly, woman needs the expanding male energies to attain her own higher harmony. This is natures underlining reason for attraction between the sexes.
Sadly, the human experience does not always deliver such an innocent, pure or healing sexual partner. Sometimes our partners may be vibrating at low levels, harboring energetic parasites or negative thought form entities and attachments that are passed between the two.
It is this energy that is passed between you and your partner that can affect your every day life positively or negatively. This is dependent on their and your energetic signature and what is held in their DNA structure. It is a true energy exchange of your past, present and future.
The energy that is being passed is connected to the Akashic records. The Akashic records is an energetic record of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human.
When we have sex this is creating a powerful link between the two parties. So if the two parties are healthy then it creates a healthy flow of loving energy and connection between the two.
If the two parties are unhealthy, or there is one unhealthy partner and one healthy partner, this creates an imbalance between the two.
One party is connecting through low vibrational states of their being and may even be an energy vampire or narcissist. Completing the perfect link and set up for feeding, manipulating and gaining control of their partners high vibrational energy. Slowly lowering their vibration and their quality of life.
During sex the couple’s opening up energetically can cause the transfer of entities, emotional issues, negative thought form attachments and trauma that has been stored in their DNA.
Alcohol amplifies this openness. The other persons thoughts and unresolved emotional issues and patterns can become entangled with your energetic field and vice versa.
Think of your partner, what is their emotional, mental and energetic state? This is what you are energetically swimming in and transferring to yourself every time you have sex with them.
This can create a very unhealthy experience for one or both parties. Once this imbalance is felt one partner may want to leave the relationship. In doing this, because of the energetic connection between the two, it may be extremely difficult to move on and let that person go.
This is when an energetic cord has been established in an unhealthy way.
An unhealthy cord can:
💔 keep you from moving on
💔keeps you thinking about the other person
💔you may take on the emotional patterns of the other person
💔becoming ill from the energy loss
💔feeling stuck in the past
💔feeling trapped in some way; relationship, place, job
💔feeling they are still attached somehow
If you are feeling any of these it may be time to cut the energetic cord between you and this person, place or thing. But, cutting the cord is only the start of your healing journey.
You may need spiritual healing, assistance with cord cutting and spiritual guidance. Once the cord is cut and that tie is severed, for some people this may feel traumatic and lonely, harboring a deep feeling of loss as you navigate your new life without this energetic cord connected.